Next-Generation Supplier Discovery Solutions

Trehan Co offers an advanced service utilizing social media and web data scraping to find suppliers tailored to our clients' needs. Our unique data modeling algorithm ensures we pinpoint the perfect fit, saving time and resources while delivering exceptional value. With our innovative approach, we provide curated lists of potential suppliers aligned with our clients' criteria, driving success through tailored solutions.

Our Supplier Audit platform ensures audits are based on a holistic approach that considers quality, industry standards, country regulations, and sustainability initiatives, providing actionable insights to drive supplier performance and compliance excellence.

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about our services.
Is there a free trial available for the platforms and tools?
Yes, you can try us for free for a few days depending upon the platform or tool you are interested in. Our friendly team will work with you to get you up and running as soon as possible.
Do you charge License fee or monthly SaaS?
We are flexible in our billing. Some of our customers prefer outright buying the custom solution, others prefer monthly billing.
What geographic locations you provide services in?
We provide our services globally. However if feet on ground are required, for example for site audit - we are immediately present in USA, Brazil, India, UK and Australia. For visiting other countries, we fly our experts in.
I don't see my industry covered in your website?
Please reach out to us at as we may be able to support your industry already.
Can you customise the platforms with my company's look and feel?
We provide customisation. Please get in touch with our experts with your specific requirement.

Get started with TBrij

Reach out to us with your requirement and we will be delighted to assist you!

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